Competitive Program Information

General Information

WLYSA offers Rep (competitive) programs for youth age U9-U18. Teams are dependent on numbers per age group and coach availability.

Teams have the option to begin indoors in March to be ready for April tournaments. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to register their player during early and regular Spring Season registration to help set teams and begin early in the season.

Rep Development and Rep Players can expect at least one practice per week during the spring season. (often Wednesdays)


Rep Development

U9 - U10 Rep Development (Previously called Future Stars)

Rep Development for U9 and U10 Players is the first opportunity for youth to complete outside of the house league. 

Teams are expected to participate in the Cariboo Youth Soccer League between Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Quesnel and Prince George. Majority of games are organized for Sundays as to not interfere with district house leagues. 

Rep Development players must also still participate in the house league. 


U11, U12 and U13 Rep Development

Teams will be created based on player numbers following regular season registration. 

Teams are expected to participate in the Cariboo Youth Soccer League between Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Quesnel and Prince George. Majority of games are organized for Sundays as to not interfere with district house leagues. 

U11 - U13 Rep Development teams are expected to participate in 2 tournaments outside of the CYSA games. 

Rep Development players must also still participate in the house league. 


Rep Program 

U14 - U18 competitive program

WLYSA is committed to providing players registered in the U14 - U18 Rep Program with the best competitive playing opportunity we are able to offer. This program is for any player who wants to get better at soccer and participate in competitive fixtures and tournaments across the province of BC.

WLYSA will try everything reasonable to form teams for the year based on Spring Season registrations and volunteer coach availability/interest. This means, that in the event a team can not be formed due to low Williams Lake Rep Registrations for an age group or no-volunteer coach, players will be given an option to join a team in the Cariboo Youth Soccer District (Quesnel or 100 Mile House). This opportunity will allow our rep players to still travel provincially for tournaments and gain experience that WLYSA cannot offer for the year. Vise-versa, if Williams Lake holds the majority of players for an age group, we may have 100 Mile House or Quesnel players join our team for the season. 

Regardless of a player's team location, WLYSA will provide a minimum of one practice time in Williams Lake for all registered Rep Players. U13+ Rep Players are not required to participate in the house program, however it is strongly encouraged for additional field/game time. 


WLYSA formed teams are expected to participate in the Cariboo Youth Soccer League and attend at least 2 tournaments. 


Rep Player Requirements and Travel Expectations

Player Requirements

The WLYSA Rep Development and Rep Program players, volunteer coaches and parents are the representatives of our organization not only on the fields, but also within our community and the communities they have the opportunity to visit. 

Rep Players are required to complete the following to participate in the programs:

  • Sign and Acknowledge the Player Code of Conduct (More information will be linked here when available)
  • Full Payment is received by WLYSA prior to the first practice 


Travel Expectations 

All age groups travel outside of Williams Lake for games. Teams entered in the CYSA league must travel to all games. Additionally, teams are expected to travel to a minimum of 2 outside tournaments. Parents/Guardians must be prepared to cover the travel expenses including hotel (can stay with friends/family), camping, food, and fuel.

Rep teams may be required to purchase additional gear, and fundraising may be discussed amongst each team.


Home Tournament

Teams will be participating in WLYSA's home tournament, The Frontier Cup, set for July 5th - 6th 2025.


Interested in becoming a coach or manager for one of our rep teams? Contact Veronica by emailing for more information. 

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